How long have you been natural?
Rachie: I have been natural all my life.
How would you describe your hair?
Rachie: I have wavy/curly hair.
What do you like most about being natural?
Rachie: Instead of relaxing my hair and having it dead straight, I can wear it curly, or flat iron it for a straight look, or do lots more with it.
What products do you use to maintain your hair?
Rachie: I use Dove Daily Moisture Therapy Shampoo, Tresemme Conditioner, and for my leave-in, I use John Frieda Leave In Conditioner.
What is you hair care routine?
Rachie: Every 1-2 weeks, I wash and condition. Sometimes I might blow dry or air dry.
Anything else you would like to add?
Rachie: To get the best looking hair, try eating as healthy as you can... that's my secret!
A BIG THANKS to Rachie for contributing today!
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