It has been a minute since I last posted but I'm here now, piggy-backing on my neighbours WIFI #don'tjudgeme to come with my latest length check and product review. Since being back in JA I have been settling back into my routine and that included going to the beach ( though it is not my favourite place #notatruejamaican) which caused my hair and I lots of stress.
We went to Portie ( rich ppl talk for Port Antonio) a sleepy but beautiful town. Check out my awesome photography skills ( which consists of peoples heads, NOTHING of the town and random houses)
Typical me, going to the beach in jeans and drinking out the rum. THIS IS WHY YOU DO NOT INVITE ME OUT!
On to the hair.
Unfortunately, it was very windy at the beach so of course it got in my rum........and hair which was very annoying because I was not planning on washing my hair but then again I do not like waking up with sand in my bed.
You see the sand??
So I washed my hair with Tresemme Thermal Recovery shampoo and then used a new product I found called The Roots Naturelle Virgin Hair Fertilizer Conditioning Treatment. It is a really good protein treatment , but it tingles like crazy! Even after I rinsed my hands they were still burning/tingling so if you don't like peppermint don't use this!
I mixed it with my Giovanni Tea Tree Conditioner to stretch it. The instructions said 3-5 mins but I left it on for an hour (my hair is in dire need of protein) It left my hair really soft. I skipped the condish and went straight to styling.
So I used Naptural85's method and used Nubian Heritage Hair Reparative Butter. MENG! this thing is TOTES AMAHZING!!!! it smells GREAT and it makes my hair so soft! but I of course use waaaay too much so I end up with a greasy pillow.
The first three pictures are like the day after styling
(holding back a sneeze)
These are today after a workout with the style in for two weeks
Even after all that time I still have product in my hair ( probably due to my heavy hand) and its still soft.
Trust and believe you don't need that much.......... ah the smell.........hmmm........ so you know who' s buying this thing in bulk rite?

Ok.... on to length check. My last one was back in October 2012
Not much of a length check but hey.
And here is todays check April 4th 2013
Since then, I have trimmed twice so it should least two,three inches longer, but I have achieved my goal of bra strap (well in the back) length and I didn't even know!
So my next goal is for the rest of my hair to catch up to the back.
So until then
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